Areas of Concentration
Criminal (Adult and Juvenile) - Competency to Stand Trial; Competency to Waive Miranda; Confessional Voluntariness; Criminal Responsibility (Insanity); Diminished Capacity; Aid in Sentencing
Civil - Psychological Injury; Sexual Harassment; Sexual Abuse; Clergy or Other Professional Abuse; Psychologist or Agency Misconduct; Mental Health Commitability; Sexual Dangerousness Commitability; Sex Offender Registry Board (SORB)
Probate and Family Court and Juvenile Court - Custody; Visitation; Parental Capacity; Removal; Sexual Abuse; Competency; Substituted Judgment; Guardianship; Testamentary Capacity; Termination of Parental Rights; Adoption; Attachment
Other Forensic Assessments or Consultations - Workplace Violence; Fitness for Duty; Workers’ Psychological Disability; School Violence; Special Education (Autistic Spectrum Disorders; Asperger’s Disorder); Residential Treatment; Mental Health; Mental Retardation; Substance Abuse
Forensic Psychology
Forensic Psychology is a specialized branch of psychology that applies the science of psychology to questions that come before courts of law and to the assessment of dangerousness and sexual dangerousness.
Forensic Psychologists possess expert knowledge and training in these areas and are highly experienced in testifying in court.
Forensic Psychologists are familiar with applicable legal concepts and procedures, and they consult with judges, attorneys, and agency heads on a daily basis.
Forensic Psychologists are duty-bound to avoid undue influence on their work by financial compensation or other gain and to maintain professional scientific integrity, examining an issue from all reasonable perspectives.
Forensic Psychologists weigh all data impartially and maintain integrity by examining issues from all possible perspectives, actively seeking rival hypotheses.